This Homemade Apple & Pumpkin Baby Food Puree is an easy and healthy recipe to feed your baby! Only 3 ingredients (pumpkin, apples and water) means that it's naturally gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan with no preservatives, food colouring or additives!
Create a healthy dish for your baby featuring whole grains that are both filling and packed with nutrients.
While your children are developing their taste buds, try experimenting with different food pairings even if they may sound unusual to you.
Food always tastes best when in season, so give your child a delicious treat when these nutrient-rich veggies are at their peak freshness and flavour.
This dish is chock-full of wonderful health benefits for your baby. From the antioxidants in the cherries and the dietary fiber in the squash to the protein in the millet, it’s the perfect trifecta!